Ok so.....

the rubix cube,
(actually this post has almost nothing to do with the rubix cube)
but it did play a key role in my photoshoot,
No i havent gotten a new camera i borrowed one,
and my dad was all like "My camera is so much better than that camera just because mines 8m"
and i was "no its not",
keep in mind i was using a kodak 4 mp.
Any ways i wanted to test out some of the manual settings,
and what not, so i did a photoshoot of my rubix cube.
Philisophical insight in the rubix cube.
Just because i know you guys want me to be deep, :)
The rubix cube, can in many ways be considered something like,
the wonderful phenomenon known as life.
You can make a million turns and still be no where near the end,
OR you can make a few harder and more thought out turns and succeed.
Also the Rubix cube has many sides, each side its own color, these colors can represent
different stereotypes, you know the highschool jock, or the preps, maybe a greaser
or a nerd,
or maybe you like to think of it as one sides your boss and another is your coworker while your
another side,
any ways the point is all this sides can mix and mingle with no problems,
and while they may look best uniform and all the same
that doesnt mean that they have to group up and single others out,
they can all be mixed and still make just as nice if not nicer group.
Another example the rubix cube has no set rules,
your objective is to get it done and every side or color back in its respective place,
Life has no set rules and your objective is to enjoy it and live it to the fullest,
I live mine through the word of Christ, and Jesus.
I live by the bible.
Anyways what im saying is,
life is a one time thing,
Make of it what you will,
but dont be pushed and bullied into doing things one way,
The only way you should do things is by the way you
believe is right.
Any ways so I wanted to play around with this camera to
learn a little bit about
an unfamiliar cameras manual settings and Quality,

as you can see it has very good quality for a 4 mp.
This was with an aperature of F3.6 shutter speed of 8 seconds and an iso at 80.
It captured the light farely well of course the lens was open for 8 second, so it
had plenty of time to capture the light. still decent quality.
Though i dont think i want to have to lug a tripod around every where for this
quality of a picture,
You know you hear me talking about megapixels all the time,
when really the MP dont make that much of a difference,
really the only difference the MP make is the size of photograph you will be able to get
out of a picture,
A 3 to 4 MP camera makes a nice 6 by 8 picture,
anyways while I was messing with this camera i found the feature to change what MP
I was shooting at,
so Below i will post two pictures,
one is a 4 MP and the other will Be a 2.1 MP
Im not gonna say which is which,
I want you to post a comment guessing,
later this week i will repost the two pics labeling them Mkay.

and then

Remember both of these were taken on the same settings,
just different MP count,
( Yes i know they havent been called greasers since the 60's)
so have fun guessing and goodluck,
Till next time,

the rubix cube,
(actually this post has almost nothing to do with the rubix cube)
but it did play a key role in my photoshoot,
No i havent gotten a new camera i borrowed one,
and my dad was all like "My camera is so much better than that camera just because mines 8m"
and i was "no its not",
keep in mind i was using a kodak 4 mp.
Any ways i wanted to test out some of the manual settings,
and what not, so i did a photoshoot of my rubix cube.
Philisophical insight in the rubix cube.
Just because i know you guys want me to be deep, :)
The rubix cube, can in many ways be considered something like,
the wonderful phenomenon known as life.
You can make a million turns and still be no where near the end,
OR you can make a few harder and more thought out turns and succeed.
Also the Rubix cube has many sides, each side its own color, these colors can represent
different stereotypes, you know the highschool jock, or the preps, maybe a greaser
or a nerd,
or maybe you like to think of it as one sides your boss and another is your coworker while your
another side,
any ways the point is all this sides can mix and mingle with no problems,
and while they may look best uniform and all the same
that doesnt mean that they have to group up and single others out,
they can all be mixed and still make just as nice if not nicer group.
Another example the rubix cube has no set rules,
your objective is to get it done and every side or color back in its respective place,
Life has no set rules and your objective is to enjoy it and live it to the fullest,
I live mine through the word of Christ, and Jesus.
I live by the bible.
Anyways what im saying is,
life is a one time thing,
Make of it what you will,
but dont be pushed and bullied into doing things one way,
The only way you should do things is by the way you
believe is right.
Any ways so I wanted to play around with this camera to
learn a little bit about
an unfamiliar cameras manual settings and Quality,

as you can see it has very good quality for a 4 mp.
This was with an aperature of F3.6 shutter speed of 8 seconds and an iso at 80.
It captured the light farely well of course the lens was open for 8 second, so it
had plenty of time to capture the light. still decent quality.
Though i dont think i want to have to lug a tripod around every where for this
quality of a picture,
You know you hear me talking about megapixels all the time,
when really the MP dont make that much of a difference,
really the only difference the MP make is the size of photograph you will be able to get
out of a picture,
A 3 to 4 MP camera makes a nice 6 by 8 picture,
anyways while I was messing with this camera i found the feature to change what MP
I was shooting at,
so Below i will post two pictures,
one is a 4 MP and the other will Be a 2.1 MP
Im not gonna say which is which,
I want you to post a comment guessing,
later this week i will repost the two pics labeling them Mkay.

and then

Remember both of these were taken on the same settings,
just different MP count,
( Yes i know they havent been called greasers since the 60's)
so have fun guessing and goodluck,
Till next time,
The second one is the 4 Mega pixel picture. :) I'm sure.