This entrancing look into
the life of the early 30's
is another one of my favorite peices of classic literature.
John Steinbeck was an amazing writer,
I remember, as I was reading this amazing novel,
I would get lost in my mind.
I didn't feel like I was reading so much as
I was actually in the book, living it out.
The detail, and the wording of the book was so captivating, I almost couldn't
put this book down.
I think had my dad not literally pulled the book out
of my hands, I would have had this book finished
within the first day I picked it up.
(Thats not that unusual with a good book)'
Any ways this is the story of a family, who in the
30's, and in the great depression, lost there farm
to the big time bankers.
The family was forced off there land and made to head west,
where there was said to be some work and jobs.
The family finally makes it just to find them selve's left hungry and
jobless as to be expected.
This book goes through the whole journey west and part of the way back to the east.
I love this book, it is a masterpiece of masterpiece's.
John Steinbeck also does,
"Of Mice and Men"

Another one of his best pieces,
I have read and reread this book
four or five times,
just as I read "Grapes of Wrath"
atleast 3.
Both are wonderful wonderful works of
literature and I highly recommend them to any
classic literature aficionado,
or just someone looking for a good read.

I haven't read any John Steinbeck, but my Mom says The Grapes of Wrath is really good. I have the book East of Eden by him, I just have to find time to read it. It's the first on my JS list. Have you read it?