So i was outside the other night just enjoyin
some fresh air when i noticed the moon
in the cloudless sky.
I thought it was inspirational so I
took out my brothers telescope and began to
study it with what some would call
a philosophers eye.
Looking and studying
every crater and shadow for some meaning or
reason, only to find that it was nothing less than
a miracle of God.
A work of art left for humans, man and woman,
child and father,
all alike to admire and to
be inspired by.

This miracle of god, whilst i was looking at it
I got the brilliant idea to take pictures.
and they are rather stunning they came out alot better than
I ever imagined possible.
Especially since I was using my little brothers
cheap 2 mp camera.
But the vivid detail that it brought was rather stunning,
You can see the many craters and shadows of the moon.

Imagine walking on the surface of such a monstrous island in the depths
of the black see we know as space.
A void filled with rocks and asteriods,
burning gasses and debris.
A place where it was said no man could return from,
and yet we, as mere humans in this universe of miracles managed it.
Think not that it was bc humans are so great or almighty that
we hath succeeded, no it is bc with his hand, God did carry our men to the moon
and with his hand he hath gave them safe passage back.

I could look at the moon all day,
except it is hidden from ones view whilst the sun
does shine.
I am going to work on getting a sun filter for the telescope so i can add some images of
the sun.
Anyways the moon can mean many things,
to many people.
To me it is a creation of God,
placed in this precarious universe as an
inspiration to all those who will take it,
an inspiration to never give up,
to shoot for the moon,
and if you miss the moon
then grab the stars.

Nothing is impossible!
Man i would love to walk in one of those craters,
oh well,
some fresh air when i noticed the moon
in the cloudless sky.
I thought it was inspirational so I
took out my brothers telescope and began to
study it with what some would call
a philosophers eye.
Looking and studying
every crater and shadow for some meaning or
reason, only to find that it was nothing less than
a miracle of God.
A work of art left for humans, man and woman,
child and father,
all alike to admire and to
be inspired by.

This miracle of god, whilst i was looking at it
I got the brilliant idea to take pictures.
and they are rather stunning they came out alot better than
I ever imagined possible.
Especially since I was using my little brothers
cheap 2 mp camera.
But the vivid detail that it brought was rather stunning,
You can see the many craters and shadows of the moon.

Imagine walking on the surface of such a monstrous island in the depths
of the black see we know as space.
A void filled with rocks and asteriods,
burning gasses and debris.
A place where it was said no man could return from,
and yet we, as mere humans in this universe of miracles managed it.
Think not that it was bc humans are so great or almighty that
we hath succeeded, no it is bc with his hand, God did carry our men to the moon
and with his hand he hath gave them safe passage back.

I could look at the moon all day,
except it is hidden from ones view whilst the sun
does shine.
I am going to work on getting a sun filter for the telescope so i can add some images of
the sun.
Anyways the moon can mean many things,
to many people.
To me it is a creation of God,
placed in this precarious universe as an
inspiration to all those who will take it,
an inspiration to never give up,
to shoot for the moon,
and if you miss the moon
then grab the stars.

Nothing is impossible!
Man i would love to walk in one of those craters,
oh well,
Wow, haha. Those are good pictures. I was looking at them BeFORE I read that you took them and I was like, "Gotta love google."