Monday, October 26, 2009

el oh el :)

so alot on the mind,
As of recent,
aka the past two weeks.
I have done some thinkin,
I realized,
that life has more to it than just highschool and teenage years,
there is life after school,
and I have learned that there is no point in holding grudges,
no point in starting and or getting involved in

Drama is but a pimple on the face of life,
and the more you agitate it,
the worse its going to get,

Anyways, I am also learning who my friends are,
well who my true friends are,
its been a real eye opener,
and I have stopped associating with many of
the "friends" I once had,

I have been working on being more mature,
some of my friends have said I can be immature,
and I can, but I dont think I take it to far.

And then theres the matter of me being one who is to risky,
I honestly dont think i take that many risks,
or that there that big of risks,
You cant live life without taking chances,
I mean how will you ever know what could be if you don't go for it ?

And there is this one person,
I wont mention names,
that just idk I cant help but like,
like alot,
she stays on my mind like
and I cant help it,
idk how she did it,
and I cant say I mind,
but she has done it.


I cant not smile
when I think about her.

but I feel like we have grown kind of distant as of recent,
maybe thats my fault idk..

anyways she still makes me smile,

I would like to think she smiles whenever I happen to cross her thoughts
but I never can tell,
anyways i think thats about it,




  1. Hey Matt. You haven't posted in like a couple months and I just wanted to let you know I miss your little insights. :)
